So, I've been delaying blogging about my family's visit...I didn't want it to end and it makes me sad to have to act as if it is all over. Although, with my now empty house it is glaringly obvious that the vacation is over. I LOVE my family and having them here was sooo much fun! My house is quite small and we were all stuffed in here like sardines, but it was cozy instead of annoying (at least in my opinion, since I was the one sleeping in my room and in my bed... :oP).
On Saturday, my kids and I anxiously waited the family's arrival; I even allowed them to stay up past their bedtime!! I loved how my mom, my sisters and I immediately settle back into routine as if we haven't been apart and can (and do) start to talk about anything and everything. Sunday was Whitney's b-day (Happy 23rd!!!) and my mom made a wonderful roast (my little family doesn't often have such nice was a treat for me!)and we celebrated with angel-food cake and Iltalian Ices.
Gunnison and Georgia playing together

Greyson being so adorable eating lunch!

For our 1st outing we hit America's Thrift Store...YEAH!! I'm in love with the buys I can get there. Despite having to sift through junk, I can find GAP, Old Navy, Gymboree and Children's Place not only often, but cheaply. If you're willing to look, you can outfit your kids easily. Unfortunately, my children weren't as accomodating to my clothes hunt, but Mimi saved the day by whisking them away to the toy section where she found a scooter Josiah will love her forever for (he has ridden it around nearly everyday and insists he rides it on our walks). Our next adventure consisted of crossing the bay and tackling the shopping at Tanger Outlet Mall. Another of my favorites. If you time it at the beginning of a season you can get fab deals on the previous season's clothes. On a tight budget, it is my saving grace-I buy for the next winter, my kids look nice and I save a bundle. My sisters and I made a haul on the wonderful deals ($1.99 shirts, $4.00 jammies, $3.99 pants, etc.). Yeah for shopping!
My boys on a Merri-Go-Round at Tanger

Mimi took us to Blue Rabbit's Paradise, a supped-up playland where we gobbled pizza and the kids played to their heart's content in a giant castle. It was wonderful to have playmates for Jos and Gav. They loved having all of their cousins about. They truly miss them when they're gone. We also ate at Lambert's "Home of the Throwed Rolls". It is an experience worth repeating whenever family comes to town. You catch your dinner rolls, get tons of food and is totally kid friendly. We love it there! Who wouldn't when they dole out food like there is no tomorrow and the kids can dance to the music in the aisles.
Josiah and Grey outside of Lambert's
Ezra and his caught roll
Mimi (being beautiful) with Ez outside of Lambert's

It was so exciting to take the kids to a Mardi Gras parade. They throw beads, stuffed animals, moonpies and candy as the floats go buy! The kids were so cute waving their arms and shouting for beads despite being all bundled up. I was so glad my fam could share a true Mobile experience. We love living here and love to share the culture with our family members as they visit. Boiled peanuts and beads anyone?
I would have to say my personal favorite of their visit were the evenings after the kids were in bed. My mom, sisters and I would just sit down and talk. We stayed up so late just talking and laughing...and laughing. If you know us Holyoak girls, we get a little funnier and funnier the later it gets. It doesn't take much to get us rolling on the ground! I love how we can talk. I got to know my sisters and their views all over again.
Stephanie and Ella (aren't they gorgeous!)

The visit was too short but cherished all the more! I love and miss you all!!!