Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fashion Show

Emmeline is modeling her *hot pink* knit skirt, *navy* puffed sleeved onesie shirt, and the ever-present bow. Note how feminine doesn't necessarily mean uncomfortable

Here, Miss Emme-Lou-Who is sporting a *pink* and *white* checked bib (thanks Grandma B). She is stylin' (in her functional, yet fashionable, cover-up) while downing her yummo-cereal

In this next photo series, Littlest is embodying how femininity is not merely defined with *pink & purple*. She is girlie to the core in her daring *black*, *white* and *yellow* ensemble (thank you, Grammy)

Look! She's actually smiling!!

Her favorite pose: "hand-touching-face"

My Fav!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Dad Life

This made me laugh...Thank you to my dad, my sweet father-in-law, my sweetie and to all other daddies out there rocking the "Dad Life"

Thursday, July 15, 2010


After many years of being the is pure bliss to now own one!

**I'm in looooove**

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Some Pictures

I don't have much to say, but I did promise some pictures of my beasties and, this is my quick way of appeasing the masses (or maybe just the "family" mass). For those not of the interested ilk, you might find your eyes glazing over, so feel free to pass on.

Saying Good-bye to Mobile

Gloria's Produce Stand on the way to Dauphin Island

Summer Trip to Oklahoma

Theta Pond on the OSU boys are lovin' the opportunity to pose

Playing in the pool at Mimi's
Georgia was a riot on the trampoline. The little ones loved the rare chance to play when the big boys were moved off
My beautiful sister, Stephanie, and Ella
Greyson (the impish cherub) and Scarlett


Georgia in absolute Diva mode and the legs of her beautiful mommy, Whitney, whose face I am sorry to say I didn't catch in any picture
The "Big Boys" best buds

I loved this picture! Ezra sneaked in our room every night he could to sleep with my beasties. He's an honorary beastie for sure and welcome in my den anytime!


One of the Fav Uncles, Philip, and Cooper (I love Coop's blue tooth grin from fab soda)
Kit wearing his "leave" goatee and always present sun-glasses

Playing at the park while visiting Grammy and Papa's house

I have to note here that we did, indeed, see Grammy and Papa despite the lack of pictures. I am horrible at remembering to take my camera places and to actually use the thing when I do take it. We also got to spend some wonderful time with Aunt Ashlee and our sweet nephews, Michael and Tyler.
Again, Gav is in pose-mode
What Kit does best at the park

Newport News, Virginia
July 5th picnic

We have an amazingly enormous park just down the road from us. We took the opportunity to have a wienie roast and then walk on one of the trails in celebration of Independence Day.

Emme mid lip-sucking...her new "trick"

Boys in Avatar poses, trying to look fierce
Kit's attempt at a good picture...hmmm...more faces less ground and butt, please
Gunner's fierce face...he looks a little more frightened than fierce, but he has a mean bite, so he passes the beastie requirements

I think this is Gav's GQ pose
An actual picture of the diva smiling! Well, mostly...

He was a bit worn out after the picnic, sun and walking. Hand in shirt, much better than hand in pants!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lots of Changes...

Chaos reigns supreme in this household...but, we've been dealing with a little more than normal (can chaos get more chaotic?? hmmm...something to stay up waaay to late dwelling on). We moved from Deep South Alabama to Peninsular Virginia, are proud (or at least will be when things look a little less ghetto) owners of our very-own-cosmetic-fixer-up home and hubby started working at his new post at the training center.

Thanks to my parents, who are so very hard working (or should I say driven...although who was slave-driving who is up for grabs), we were able to get all of the ceiling and walls painted before the movers arrived with our belongings. Taking into account all the prep-work that came before the actual painting-sanding, puttying, patching holes, re-sanding, re-sanding, re-sanding and texturizing the walls- I am amazed one of us didn't just kill over. We're talking about waking up early, going to bed early (early-morning, that is), trapping 3 little boys in various rooms at a time, trying to slap paint on the walls while cooing and blowing kisses to a temperamental 4 month old and straining a back that has been strained way too many times... just remembering starts my head bobbing; now I'm rocking and strange sounds forcing their way up my throat and out of my mouth...please excuse the slight relapse...

I will say the house looks 1000 times better already. No, that is not an exaggeration. Going from magentaish-mauvish walls (and sickly sea-green walls and grey walls that were supposed to be white) to my fabbity-fab shade of aged yellow (think powdered, dried ginger), beautiful blue for the little boys' room and soft fern-like green for Josiah and Emme's room has made the house more light, open and simply better. I will be attempting to tackle the gold (as in gilt gold), baby boy blue and magentaish-mauvish trim soon. I love my new light fixtures and will love my new dishwasher once it arrives. It feels nice to have ownership (or at least borrowing it from the bank) especially with a home warranty. Yes...gotta love AC issues and clogs 75 feet down the line. Thankfully, things are starting to calm down, at least to it's normal chaotic nature.

I will be posting some pics from our Independence Day celebrations, very soon, I promise!

A little shout-out to my brother, Spence- Thanks for the idea for the blog name. A little cheesy, but absolutely perfect!!