Chaos reigns supreme in this household...but, we've been dealing with a little more than normal
(can chaos get more chaotic?? hmmm...something to stay up waaay to late dwelling on). We moved from Deep South Alabama to Peninsular Virginia, are proud
(or at least will be when things look a little less ghetto) owners of our very-own-cosmetic-fixer-up home and hubby started working at his new post at the training center.
Thanks to my parents, who are so very hard working (or should I say driven...although who was slave-driving who is up for grabs), we were able to get all of the ceiling and walls painted before the movers arrived with our belongings. Taking into account all the prep-work that came before the actual painting-sanding, puttying, patching holes, re-sanding, re-sanding, re-sanding and texturizing the walls- I am amazed one of us didn't just kill over. We're talking about waking up early, going to bed early (early-morning, that is), trapping 3 little boys in various rooms at a time, trying to slap paint on the walls while cooing and blowing kisses to a temperamental 4 month old and straining a back that has been strained way too many times... just remembering starts my head bobbing; now I'm rocking and strange sounds forcing their way up my throat and out of my mouth...please excuse the slight relapse...
I will say the house looks 1000 times better already. No, that is not an exaggeration. Going from magentaish-mauvish walls (and sickly sea-green walls and grey walls that were supposed to be white) to my fabbity-fab shade of aged yellow (think powdered, dried ginger), beautiful blue for the little boys' room and soft fern-like green for Josiah and Emme's room has made the house more light, open and simply better. I will be attempting to tackle the gold (as in gilt gold), baby boy blue and magentaish-mauvish trim soon. I love my new light fixtures and will love my new dishwasher once it arrives. It feels nice to have ownership (or at least borrowing it from the bank) especially with a home warranty. Yes...gotta love AC issues and clogs 75 feet down the line. Thankfully, things are starting to calm down, at least to it's normal chaotic nature.
I will be posting some pics from our Independence Day celebrations, very soon, I promise!
A little shout-out to my brother, Spence- Thanks for the idea for the blog name. A little cheesy, but absolutely perfect!!