Sunday, December 23, 2007

Grammy & Papa

The boys were so excited for their Grammy and Papa (Kit's mom and dad) to come. To Josiah their arrival heralded in Christmas, Santa and gifts and simply time spent with them. He had been asking when they would be coming and was quite disappointed when he realized they wouldn't be arriving until after he and Gav had gone to bed. They arrived safely Friday night. They had been here just a little while when Jos had a bad dream and woke up. I took him to the bathroom and when he recognized Grammy's voice he got so excited. He bounced out to give loves then practically rushed back to bed "'cause when it's morning we can all play together!" Of course it took a bit longer for him to calm down enough to fall back to sleep! Saturday our boys woke bright and early and hurried to our room for permission to go out to the family-room (our house is quite small, so the family-room doubles as the guest-room). We kept them corralled a little longer until it became impossible, then let the monsters loose. Gavin, in typical boisterous fashion, yelled, "Shhh, Grammy and Papa are sleeping!" Needless to say, the house was up and going soon after.

We all went out for Shrimp Po'boys for lunch then split up. Jan (Grammy) and Kit tackled the grocery shopping (remember I don't do much of the cooking in my house) and Mike (Papa) and I took the boys to the pet store to kill time and buy crickets for Mohaunna (our gecko). We congregated back at the house for some quiet (wishful thinking) and relaxation. Papa played games with Josiah and Grammy snuggled down for some bedtime story reading.

Today I woke up early to get a head start getting ready- church starts at 9:00 and we have only one bathroom. With only a few tantrums (Josiah and Gavin) we were out the door. Church was nice and Christmas-y and I enjoyed the spirit of the season. I enjoyed Sacrament Meeting and being able to actually listen! (thanks to Grammy, Papa and Gunner, who needed to be nursed). Jan served us a yummy meal and I was spoiled not having to cook or clean (yes, I was ordered out of the kitchen). We're now resting at home (Kit and Papa are enjoying naps) and gathering up our energy for the festivities to come!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like so much fun! I am so glad that Jan and Mike made it there safely and "your festivities are ready to begin"!! I hope that you have a lot of fun and that you let Jan help so you get a much needed break. I love you and miss you horribly. I have been thinking about you and your family a lot as we usually spend time together around the holidays. I hope you have a wonderful time...merry Christmas!! I love you!

whitney said...

Sounds like you're having loads of fun! Those pictures w/Jan and Mike and your three boys are just adorable-I know how much Jos and Gav love their Grammy and Papa, so I'm sure they were just soakin' it up! Have fun-we all miss you so much. Christmas just wasn't the same w/out you!

Coty said...

Yea's sooo good to hear from you. I finally figured out how to put links on my this is a little late in coming but I'm super excited we have found each other. Now you can read up on all my phopas etc and feel so much better about life right (heehee j/k).

Your family is just DARLING!!! boys rule!!! (and drool but hey, we take it all in stride right!!) Anyway, I look forward to keeping up with you. Give your fellow spidermen a big 'hello' from us (that includes Kit, we all know they live vicariously through the boys right, any excuse to start playing with action figures again, mid thirties or not :). Okay, in the mean time take care. Coty