Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Mistake

So...I change my blog background/layout fairly often. I know what to do to keep things from getting lost. Usually. I switched layouts and accidentally delete my blog list today. No worries. I had an old version of my blog open so I began transferring the info from one to the other. Slow going, but working. Then, DH calls me needing a number and address, my boys start in with their needs and it is time to go get Josiah from school. Ok. I leave the windows open online and go about my business. I come home and send the beasties outside and sit down on the computer. WHAT?!! Kit popped in here on his way from point A to point B after work, checked something online and...yep...closed down the windows. So not his fault...BUT...seriously, he leaves things up online for hours! SIGH. He's doing penance by being in charge of dinner tonight. Maybe this guilt thing cna be drawn out for a bit...hmmm...don't tell!

The point of this post is to ask for your assistance. I pieced what I could from memory, but if any who read my blog notice I don't have yours on my blog list, please let me know. UGGGH! Thanks!


Dirk and Trish said...

You don't have ours. trishdirken.blogspot.com. Let me know if I need to send a new invite.

Anonymous said...

You POOR thing!! One of my utter nightmares...but you already know that. You can check my blog anytime you need (you can call if you can't remember my password) and copy those you may need. I hope you can revocery quickly!! Call Whitty, she's always helpful with these sort of crisees. :)

Ashlee said...

Sorry about the troubles, but the new layout is fab! Good luck!

Sandy said...

That stinks. I was changing my blog layout last month and it deleted a lot of things and I haven't had the patience to find a new one. That is why mine is still plain white.

BTW - How is the pregnancy going? I check your countdown regularly and I am just so so excited for you. I've been baby hungry lately but I wanted to lose weight and run a half marathon before another baby.

whitney said...

So sorry! I so know how you feel. I've had some of my blog lists lost at least a couple of times. It really blows. I've managed to figure out how to make sure I never lose them again, however. mwahahaha!

Call me next time and I'll walk you through it. (((hugs)))

Jenny said...

Here's mine!



Alabama Apples said...

Thanks everyone! I'll add yours now.

Ashlee said...

Hey, I also noticed that you lost your baby tracker! How am I suppose to keep track of your due date without it! :)