Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rainy Day Blues...Sunny Day Fun

It has been dreary and rainy the last couple of days. I find I move slower, get tired easier and feel a little down when the rain falls. To combat the rainy day blues, I turn on loud music and think of good things. A couple come quickly to mind.

My mother and father-in-law came to visit for their spring break. We had tons of fun. We spent an afternoon in New Orleans, ate more food than we should and had a picnic at the beach. I enjoyed visiting and hearing all about my sister-in-laws and their families and my boys spent MANY happy moments jumping on their Papa and playing games (all the ones their meanie mommy neglects) with their Grammy. Josiah was ecstatic Grammy and Papa tasted the "best macaroni in the world" when they took the time to eat lunch with him at his school. Quite a feat when lunch starts at 10:30 am. Who eats that early?! I guess little kindergarteners do. Gavin spent a lot of time doing "guy" things with his daddy and Papa and searched for treasures while geo-caching. Gunnison fell in love with Papa. If he wasn't around, a little voice calling "Papa" , quite loudly, could be heard. I enjoy how the love "Grammy" and "Papa" have for my boys shines through their eyes. They wear their hearts on their sleeves when it comes to my red-headed beasties and I adore it. When they are around, Josiah, Gavin and Gunnison are SPOILED. Despite that, my boys tried to be good and make their grandparents proud of them.

Another fun thought to think about is my sweetie's birthday. He is now 32 and more handsome than when we first met. He makes me complain and get oh-so frustrated, but he makes me smile and laugh more than anyone else I know. Maybe he could even be a stand-up comedian! (inside joke, sorry) We went out to dinner with his parents (and no children, hooray) to a hibachi grill. It was a blast. Talk about dinner and a show! Yummo! and the sushi was fab. I love Kit and it makes me happy thinking about him and all of his funniness. I only hope he chuckles as much about my quirks (and pulls his hair less-if he had hair).

The sun is peeking around the gray clouds and I have a smile on my face. Isn't it nice what happy thoughts can do!


Mere said...

When my mom comes, I practically make her play games with the kids because it's something that I hate doing. She is much more patient with them, playing endless games of Go Fish, Hi Ho Cherry-O, and Candyland.

Whitney e-mailed me about living in KC. If she moves here, does that mean you'll come for a visit? ;)

Mamapierce said...

I totally agree! Loud music makes all the difference! I recently got an ipod (old version via ebay) and I put some fast paced music on it and listen to it while doing chores around the house - what a difference that makes!!!

Jenny said...

The rain makes me grumpy too. I couldn't live in the Pacific Northwest because I'd always be complaining and lazy! I really need to find a good excuse to go to AL so we can take a day trip to New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the rainy-down in the dumps days. Yep, I hate 'em too. Thanks for your ray of sunshine thoughts, though.
It sounds like your boys had so much fun with their Grammy and Papa. So fun. Mmmmm, just the thought of a NO visit makes me smile. Cafe Du Monde, beads, and scary Bourbon Street... Makes me smile thinking about being there with you. I can't wait to see you.
Kit is such a fun addition to our family. He is for sure a one-of-a-kind guy and we wouldn't trade him for anyone else...tall, black socks, stand-up comedian asperations, Pan, cheese and all. We love you Kit!!

Andrea said...

As I was reading this post I kept thinking about the scene from The Sound of Music where all the kids run into Julie Andrews room when it is storming and she sings, "These are a Few of my Favorite Things". Love your post as usual. Glad you had a great visit with family. Oh, and my kids think the cafeteria ladies are some of the best chefs in the world. LOL:)

whitney said...

yay! for fun visits from Grammy and Papa! I know I should be jealous, and I am, but mostly I'm just happy for them! Jan and Mike just beam whenever they talk about visiting you and your boys. I still can't wait to see's only a few weeks, though!

We love our Kit, that's for sure! He's definitley a unique, fun, fabulous addition to our family. We just wouldn't be the same without him and his marzipan moments.

ps-32 is old. very, very old. feel free to tell him I said that ;)