Saturday, June 27, 2009

Letting off steam

I was having one of those days this past week. You know the ones-where the house feels too hot, too messy, too small...where the beasties feel too whiny, too argumentative, simply too much. So, I quickly made the decision to get out of dodge...or at least my sticky, cramped home. We took off for Dauphin Island and made an afternoon of it. As we were driving, I could feel how wound up I was. Do you know what I mean? Where my shoulders were tight, my neck aching, my teeth clenched and the feeling like I'm a thin piece of string held to the tautest point right before snapping. I tried to talk myself down, but wasn't having much luck when one of my fav songs came on the radio. That's Not My Name I don't know what it is exactly about this song that makes me smile, but I do and I have the irresistible urge to sing along with my imaginary microphone and dance with whatever body parts I can as I drive, clean or whatever I happen to be doing when I hear this song. So...on comes my song and I glance in the rear-view mirror to see if any of the beasties noticed. Yep. They all were looking expectantly at me with their imaginary microphones ready. Yes, even the littlest beastie likes to sing along. I had to laugh...and of course sing. In my tone deaf voice (that is why the radio needs to be up WAY loud-that way you can't hear yourself singing awfully) I belted out the words and let off a lot of pent up steam. Do you ever let off steam in silly ways? Share!!! I can always use more ways of letting go...


Mamapierce said...

Singing very loudly is a way that I let off steam. Also playing the piano really loudly and FAST! ha ha! Doing sit-down chores like folding laundry to a Jane Austen movie works, too. Hope you get some down-time soon!!!

Andrea said...

Thanks for sharing this, and good for you for not letting the "mood" overcome you!

I have totally felt that way, and feel it raging from within, almost like a volcano! I love that you decided to change your surroundings and in the process able to let the steam off in a positive way.

I wish I could say I have a silly way, but I don't. I just let it BLOW. Which is WAY BAD, but I'm trying to do better. Maybe your silly way can become my silly way too. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, dear sister we are one in the same. I wish I had the magic answer (btw...when I do I will TOTALLY share) ;) Let's see...I do luuuv to sing, very loudly, may I add as well. Getting out of dodge is generally the ticket, too. Ummm, going and getting an ice cream cone has seemed to help these last HOT, HOT days...or a snow cone (scratch lets off steam until Ella decides to take a "snow cone bath"...that gets me all crazy. :) Doing something fun with the kids usually helps, like the pool, the Science Museum, but if your outta cash the radio is always free.
Kiss, kiss...I love you.

whitney said...

What, locking your children in a small (albeit non-airtight) box isn't an option?


If I can't have that, I'll sometimes tickle the kids, really, realllly hard. They just think I'm playing with them when I'm really just narrowly avoiding pummelling them. Little do they know.

By the end of the tickling session, I remember just how adorable my kids are when they're laughing, which just makes the world a rosier place to be.

Jenny said...

Maybe I should take pointers from you on how to calm down without yelling at my kid or husband or crying! Walking is always a good way for me to calm down, expect that Pearl usually wants to go too and that brings up a whole other scenario that I usually don't want to deal with either!

Andrea said...

I love reading everyones comments on how they blow of steam. Great advice, but I wanted to pop in and say, thanks for sharing that song. It is so catchy and the girls and I have caught ourselves singing it and then laughing. Today, Cecily called Ariel a name (not a nice one) and Ariel sang, "That's not my Name" lol

whitney said...

ps-the kiddos ADORED the video and song. It got Georgia dancing on the table saying, "it is my name either" and "that is my name." When I asked her if she liked the song, she said, "it funny." Ez couldn't stop wiggling in his chair either.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jos and family,
We miss you. We wished you could have come to Greyson's birthday. We can hardly wait to see you in a few days.
Love, Cooper

Coty said...

ahhh, letting off steam. the bathroom is my safe-haven. i go and lock myself in, perch atop the porcelain thrown (not to potty of course) and I'll pluck my eyebrows, or lotion my crunchy feet and elbows... all until I feel "okay" enough to open the thin wooden door and cheap metal lock that bar me from the world of insanity waiting for me on the other side. again.
That's what I do. Oh, and sometimes i sing really reALLY loudly, to drown out the cries and pounding that seep through said door. sounds appealing doesn't it?
whatever works, eh!

Phillip said...

I throw the kids to Steph and head off to work.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to read that I am not the only Mommy who feels this way sometimes!

Mack Daddy said...

hahahaha i have no kids !!!! LUCKY ME !!!!

whitney said...

I update.
yes, I do.
I update.
how 'bout you?

(feel free to clap and wave pom poms about)

Nutty Newburns said...

definitely get out and about as far as we can afford to go for the day or whatever we can get away with HA!!the fountain at eastern shore center or bass pro works alot of the time for us couldn't tell ya how many days we have slipped over there!