Thursday, November 18, 2010


I am crazy-excited family will be getting here starting on Saturday! (the others will follow a few days later)
Hmmm...if only my house could gussy itself up just a bit on its own...


Mamapierce said...

If you figure out how to make your house gussy itself up on its own - let me in on that secret!!!!!! :D

whitney said...

I feel your and some of your excitement...although, would I be a horrible in-law if I said I would MUCH rather be expecting you and Steph then my current guests? 'cause I would.

Grammy said...

Just remember that the house is no way as important as you guys are! I'm so excited to see your house and I know you both have worked so hard but we'll see whatever isn't finished next time. Love you all!!!

Charee B Mcclellan said...


Aubrey said...

Woohoo - I hope you had a good time with family. I wish my house would gussy itself up on a daily basis.